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Web Standards Beyond The Browser

Niklas Merz - The Apache Software Foundation

TPAC 2024
Anaheim CA, USA
hybrid meeting
23–27 SEPTEMBER 2024


My name is Niklas and I work on open source projects at the ASF

Check out the notes document and help our scribe

Remote participants can hear us?


  1. Introduction & Admin (5 min)
  2. Roll call: Who is here and what environments are we looking at? (15 min)
  3. Open discussion (30 min)
  4. Close up with minutes & follow up items

Agenda and slides are just for starting the conversation

Intros & Admin (5 mins)

Why we are here?

Who is volunteering to be a scribe?

I post the notes afterwards

Session objectives

Remind you on some objectives I wrote down for this session

Get to know the environments and find out how we can work together

Why are we here?

Start by finding out which environments we are talking about

and why we are here

I'll start with my thing which is WebViews

Discussion Points

Let's start with an open discussion on any of these or more

